Dentists Can Help Snorers
And build a new revenue stream
Snorers are often the butt of a joke. However, snoring indicates a health problem and it can be very disruptive to others trying to sleep. Snoring is a raspy noise produced in the nasopharynx during sleep. Habitual snoring is quite common, occurring in about 44% of men and 28% of women; prevalence increases with age.[1]
Snoring is usually a symptom of sleep-disordered breathing (SRBD), which covers a continuum from primary snoring to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Each has similar upper airway obstructive pathophysiology but they differ in degree and the clinical consequences.
What causes snoring?
When a person sleeps, the muscles and soft tissues in the throat and mouth relax, shrinking their airway. This increases the velocity of airflow during breathing. As the velocity of required air increases, soft tissues like the soft palate and uvula vibrate. The vibrations of these tissues result in snoring.
Surgical techniques used to remove SRBD structures have seen only moderate success rates (20 to 40 percent). For the majority of snorers, the most affordable, non-invasive, comfortable and effective snoring solution remains a dentist-prescribed, oral snoring preventative device.
Primary snoring
Primary snoring is snoring that is not accompanied by awakening or excessive arousals, limitation of airflow, oxygen desaturation, or arrhythmias during sleep and that occurs in people who do not have excessive daytime sleepiness[2]. Arousals can be described as brief transitions to lighter sleep or awakenings that last less than 15 seconds. Arousals usually are not noticed by the snorer (but can be noticed by the bed partner!).
People suffering from primary snoring are in danger of developing OSA with age and weight gain. We could consider snoring “pre-OSA.” If detected early primary snoring can be controlled. Protocols can be introduced to stop snoring and alleviate the consequences of OSA or other related SRBD.
Dentists can screen for primary snoring!
Screening for snoring can be as easy as asking patients during a routine visit if they snore (but remember most may not be aware). However, they may actually be suffering from OSA or be pre-OSA in their symptoms. How would you know? It is incumbent upon you as a medical provider to understand the depth of the problem. Dentists can screen for primary snoring using the Rest Assured Technologies Wellness Screening Tool for Dentists. This tool, which has been field tested to be 93% effective when compared against a sleep test, will indicate whether the patient is at-risk for OSA or has symptoms of primary snoring. Consider the benefits to your patients when you screen them for primary snoring:
- Possible detection of at-risk for OSA
- Early detection of possible life altering and threatening co-morbidities
- Address relationship issues
- You are able to offer effective treatment options
- Provide noninvasive, comfortable and inexpensive treatment: an oral appliance
Oral appliances
Oral appliances are worn only during sleep; they include:
- Mandibular advancement devices
- Tongue-retaining devices
These appliances can be fitted by you in the office. They are generally regarded as effective for simple snoring. Adverse effects include temporomandibular joint (TMJ) discomfort, dental misalignment, and excessive salivation, but most patients tolerate the devices well.
Mandibular advancement devices are most commonly used. These devices move the mandible and tongue forward relative to the maxilla and thus increase airway caliber during sleep[3]. These devices can be adjusted incrementally in follow-up or maintenance visits.
Advantages to the Dental Office
By addressing your patients’ snoring problem, you can become a healthcare workforce partner and provide early intervention in Sleep Related Breathing Disorders. With early detection you can control pre-OSA in your patient population.
While providing a tremendous service to your patients by adding screening for snoring (and OSA), you will also tap into new revenue streams. By using the Rest Assured Technologies Screening tool for an inexpensive $40 per month subscription, you can impact the health of patients for good, and increase revenue. The easiest and most profitable model is to use a fee-for service model:
Cost | Typical Fees | |
Screening Tool Subscription | $40/mo | |
Consult with screening | $25 – $74 | |
Provision of an oral device if indicated | $350 – $650 | |
Re-evaluation at normal maintenance visits | $45 – $300 | |
Periodic restoration or remake of devices | $300 – $600 | |
Provision of other treatment options | ||
New patient referrals |
Call Rest Assured Technologies today to get your office set-up with our screening tool for Sleep Related Breathing Disorders. You can provide a great service to your snorers (and their partners!) and see a very nice, new revenue stream.