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1 in 5 Dental Patients
suffer from Snoring or Sleep Apnea
Dentists can be the solution!
Dentists Can Screen and Treat People for Snoring and Sleep Apnea
64 Million people in the United States (roughly 20% of our population) have some form of Sleep Related Breathing Disorder (SRBD), like snoring or obstructive sleep apnea. Untreated OSA decreases the quality of life and shortens the lives of its sufferers. Less than 20% of those afflicted have been diagnosed, and less than 25% of those diagnosed have been adequately treated.
The medical model has failed these sufferers of SRBDs. Too many people go undiagnosed. Too many people that are “treated” find the treatment ineffective or intolerable.
Dentists can be part of the solution! The greatest contributors to OSA are located in the mouth. Dentists are in an ideal position to identify “at risk” patients. Rest Assured Technologies’ mission is to help dentists expand their practices into the growing field of identifying and treating patients with SRBDs, Dental Sleep Medicine. Dentists are practicing Dental Sleep Medicine for 3 main reasons
●The ADA policy statement in 2017 recommends screening patients for SRBDs
●Dentists can greatly improve the health of patients, and even save lives
●Dental Sleep Medicine provides significant revenue to the practice
Our Solution
Statistically, 20% of your patients
maybe at risk for SDB or OSA.Rest Assured Technologies can help you identify and treat them, and manage the business of dental sleep medicine.
Dental Sleep Medicine
The ADA has recommended dentists screen for SRBDs. Learn how you can do this.
Numerous resources exist to help you understand and participate in this growing and important new dental field.
Click here for a reprint of Dr. Sweeney’s
published article,
“Dental Office Clinical Guidelines for the Evaluation, Management
and Long Term Care of Snoring and OSA (SDB)”